I'm Sol - nice to meet you!

I'm Sol - nice to meet you!

I'm Sol - nice to meet you!

Portrait of Sol
Portrait of Sol
Portrait of Sol

There’s always one special touch that can turn a product from forgettable to memorable.

I studied Psychology and Japanese extensively at the University of California, Santa Barbara - mostly because they didn't offer a Design major! Throughout my entire time there, I've been working on growing as a designer, taking on several projects while concurrently completing my studies.

My school never really offered me the chance to learn design formally, so I did what any good student should do – I hit the books. Combing through several hundreds of Medium articles, UX references, and online UX courses helped me develop a more formal design education.

After having worked on a bunch of various projects of my own, I'm finally ready to showcase my skills to the greater world. I balanced my school with practice projects to get familiar with the tools of the trade. I ventured out and created my own brands. Today, I'm growing my skills to the next level.

I aim to make brands feel functional, fun and most of all - an experience to remember.

I'm particularly interested in the cross sections of bleeding-edge technology and art.

Though it's a high bar to set, I hope to be able to empower and excite people with my work.

There’s always one special touch that can turn a product from forgettable to memorable.

I studied Psychology and Japanese extensively at the University of California, Santa Barbara - mostly because they didn't offer a Design major! Throughout my entire time there, I've been working on growing as a designer, taking on several projects while concurrently completing my studies.

My school never really offered me the chance to learn design formally, so I did what any good student should do – I hit the books. Combing through several hundreds of Medium articles, UX references, and online UX courses helped me develop a more formal design education.

After having worked on a bunch of various projects of my own, I'm finally ready to showcase my skills to the greater world. I balanced my school with practice projects to get familiar with the tools of the trade. I ventured out and created my own brands. Today, I'm growing my skills to the next level.

I aim to make brands feel functional, fun and most of all - an experience to remember.

I'm particularly interested in the cross sections of bleeding-edge technology and art.

Though it's a high bar to set, I hope to be able to empower and excite people with my work.

There’s always one special touch that can turn a product from forgettable to memorable.

I studied Psychology and Japanese extensively at the University of California, Santa Barbara - mostly because they didn't offer a Design major! Throughout my entire time there, I've been working on growing as a designer, taking on several projects while concurrently completing my studies.

My school never really offered me the chance to learn design formally, so I did what any good student should do – I hit the books. Combing through several hundreds of Medium articles, UX references, and online UX courses helped me develop a more formal design education.

After having worked on a bunch of various projects of my own, I'm finally ready to showcase my skills to the greater world. I balanced my school with practice projects to get familiar with the tools of the trade. I ventured out and created my own brands. Today, I'm growing my skills to the next level.

I aim to make brands feel functional, fun and most of all - an experience to remember.

I'm particularly interested in the cross sections of bleeding-edge technology and art.

Though it's a high bar to set, I hope to be able to empower and excite people with my work.



To ensure that I can keep my head held high, I make sure to face all of my problems head-on and with as noble character as I can muster. It's something I do my best to uphold not only for myself but for others around me.


Kindness and understanding are essential skills to develop - not only in a professional context, but in a personal one as well. I put 110% into connecting with each person I interact with.


Clear communication is key for humans to collaborate in any shape or context. I try to make myself an open-book to those around me and heavily value honesty - without the brutality.


For each and every place I find myself in, I only feel fulfilled if I'm able to make a meaningful impact. I believe continuous growth is best measured by continuous impact, and I strive to keep up no matter the environment.